onsdag 29 januari 2014

"The essential argument is: men like long hair, and what sane woman would ever want to do anything that decreases her capacity to please men?"

I just read two very interesting articles about women with short hair. The first one basically calls all women who cut their hair off "damaged" and that they won't get any attention from the opposite sex because of this. Yes. this is an actual person who wrote this actual article stating women should keep their hair long to please men. I really don't want to link to it since it will give this guy even more attention that he's already got and deserves but here goes:

"Girls with short hair are damaged"

Then, when you've read that piece of c**p journalism, I suggest you read the in-your-face, intellectual response:

"Why patriarchy fears the scissors: for women, short hair is a political statement"

As crazy as it sounds these days I'm sure there are many people who think this way, even women, but that keeping your hair short means you are mentally deranged is just laughable. Please, be serious. I'm sure there are just as many long locks as short waves on the crazyness spectrum. And since I've experienced this, it must be the case. Right.

lördag 14 december 2013


The finale of the sixth season of Sons of anarchy was a chocker. I won't mention any details in case someone is about to watch it, but what I can say is it left me in tears. And yes I know it is just a fictional story and fictional characters but SOA must be the most gripping show on TV. I don't think I have cared or attached myself like this to something fictional before (I guess that is a sign of brilliant writing). I am happy it is not real though since that would be even more heart breaking and horrific, especially if I knew these people myself. The end scene was what got me sobbing, not least because of the song that was played (again, the people who are in charge of what songs to play are some kind of geniuses). P.E.R.F.E.C.T. (but, oh, so sad). Can't wait until the next and last ever season next year.

lördag 7 december 2013

"They just don't have no respect for us, and they wonder why we don't have respect for them"

Upworthy is my new favorite website. Inspiring people and videos that talk about things that matter is served to you on a silver platter. One of the videos that I came across was about a guy who recorded some audio when he was stopped and frisked by the police for no apparent reason, only (as one of the police officers honestly confess) because he is a "mutt" (a derogative racial slur for people who are of a mixed ethnicity). We have all heard of this stop-and-frisk activity that the police can carry out if they, very subjectively, think that someone looks suspicious. The problem is the bias of these police officers since their judgment is clouded by stereotypes and peer pressure. The most worrying fact is that the head of the police department encourage these behaviors. If these policemen really blame their actions on their chief of police and their fear of being punished I don’t see the difference from what occurred in Germany during WW2. The so called “obedience to authority” phenomenon was first recognized after the famous Milgram experiment and the Stanford prison experiment by Zimbardo. I am convinced this is an ongoing and global problem (in Sweden there is a famous case called “Baseballigan” or “Norrmalmsligan”) that is hiding under the safety net of people in power.

What does this police activity do to the people who have to endure this stop-and-frisk experience more than once a day? Well, decreased respect for authority for one, which is the exact opposite of what the police are trying to achieve. Along with that come anger and hate as well as the feeling of always being the bad guy. This is another psychological phenomenon that I think is very important in this situation - “Internalized oppression”. In short it means that eventually we start to think and behave in a way according to how other people see us (which is also worth thinking about if you work with children). This can also be seen in the Stanford prison experiment where the prisoners started to feel and act like, you got it, helpless prisoners.

I think it’s time this problem is brought forward so that we can all understand the consequences of this type of experience on a human being.

söndag 1 december 2013

"We came all this way to explore the moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered the earth."

Let's make this video compulsory for every human being! New found perspectives and self-awareness of all man kind. The big picture. The Overview effect:

söndag 10 november 2013

More question marks regarding English culture

In Tuesday's blog post about English culture I left out a couple of things that definitely should have been included. I guess I'm getting used to some of the things that normally would raise my eyebrows if I wasn't faced with them everyday. A friend of mine from Sweden reminded me of these things and I couldn't believe I actually left them out in the first place. Here goes:

"Why is there two separate taps in the bathroom, and not just one mixer?" This one's easy: one is for when you need scolding hot water and the other one is for when you need freezing cold water. As simple as that! "Yeah... okaaay?".

"You didn't feel like putting in carpet in all the rooms of the house, including the bathroom, was taking it a bit too far?" Hum, noooo?! Your feet can get cold wherever you are in the house you know. "Heh, well... have you heard of socks?"

This will be the last post taking the mick out of the English since I don't think this will do me any good if my boyfriend finds out I wrote this. Hehe. Next time I'll make fun of Americans instead...

Hot Hot Hot

It's been really cold here the last week or so, and I just wanna sit inside and hide from the world under a blanket with a hot cuppa. Yesterday was one of those days, especially, so instead of going out drinking pints of cold beer I had a hot chocolate and some tea with my friend Aline. Much needed and as usual we had great conversations and laughed a ton. Today the sun is out and it feels good again, so I'm gonna put my running shoes on and just go for it! Hope you have a great Sunday!